Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey,
How trees are made into paper, and paper into money,
How your body makes you sneeze,
And how we we can feel, but can't see a breeze,
How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat,
How we can be so full and in a short while we need eat,
How our brains function, and we just get up and walk,
How our tongue is what allows us to talk,
How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest,
How our bodies are so active, and suddenly we need to rest.
How we lay down at night, and put ourselves to sleep,
How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep,
How part of our brain says sleep, go on out,
How the other part of the brain tells our organs to move about,
How our emotions are stirred and we can cry,
How we suddenly become happy and tears are dried,
How we seem to be' oh so fine'
And instantly we can be half of our minds,
How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't,
How sometimes people help you and sometimes they won't,
How geese can realize and to the south they fly,
How hands of a clock moving, time goes by,
How fingernails seem to to grow from under the skin,
How peace is said to come from within,
How we plant grain, and harvest corn,
How some babies are hatched and others are born,
If you ever wondered and asked why,
The answer lies alone with the MAKER in the sky,
Just wondering..... Have you ever wondered?
Phew, this particular poem took me 3 weeks of thinking and editing. Thanks to people whom have been supportive and give me ideas and things to rhyme with. =)
(This was written last year) I only decide to post it here now.
Jay Copyright. No copying or whatsoever. If you want to post this somewhere, ask my permission first. Or else I will trace you down.
- Angelina
- Boon Tek
- Cheah
- Chei Thai
- Cherylina
- Chia Ee
- Elaine
- Eric Khong
- Eric Leong
- Foong
- Isaac
- Jacelyn (kai mui)
- Jason Yap
- Jasper
- Jen Hoe
- Joy Teen
- JunJun-Riko
- Katrina
- Kee An
- Kevin
- Lee Meng
- Leon Woon
- Linda
- Matthew Ooi
- Michelle
- My old Xanga
- Nigel
- Pui Chin
- Snowiie
- Terry
- Tristan
- Tze Quan
- Vivian
- Wei Han
- Wen Chean
- Xian Lum
- Yung Siang
- Zhi Wang
Well, there seems to be a loads of critics coming in but whatever you all say, I won't even care because they are mere lies and most of them are way too exaggerating and you all don't know when to stop. I'm getting BORED of this, say what you feel like saying because it doesn't affect me. The fact that my dad post a comment and you all can answer goes to show that you are all damn BIADAB. Don't think that there is no evidence because I deleted the messages. I kept a copy.
Go on. I'm sure all of you have a tons of LIES to tell about me. I'll leave GOD to judge all of you when the day comes. CASE CLOSED.
GOD spoke to me when I was reading HIS Words.
Luke chapter 6 verse 37-38:
37"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Ok now. Take a deep breath. Humble myself. And teacher's day performance is very normal. Nothing to describe. Well that's all.
Holidays here, so what? Cannot relax also. Thanks to my english teacher la (she teaches us Literature also). Make a compulsory of total of five days of her extra classes ranging two and a half hours. And guess what? She gave tons of homework for English........ 2 long essays, 2 directed writting, loads of grammar exercises and 2 summaries.
Here is David Cook's new song: The Time Of My Life. Enjoy.
He ROCKS to the max!!!
Wohoo!!! Manchester United won Chealsea and guess what? David Cook won David Archuletta by 12 million votes. WOW. His expression was like so overwhelmed. If u cannot see in TV go see in Youtube la. Can't wait for his album man!!! Performing for Teacher's Day tomorrow. Wish me luck ya. =) That's all for the time being.
Yesterday, I watched the show with my family. Its superb and very very exciting and nice!!! Although I already know what will happen in the show because I had read the book but it is very adrenaline pumping when you watch it. Its like bringing the book to life!!! Better than the first one because it is done by different directors. Don't wanna spoil it for you.
Oh ya, for Christians, try to spot some gospel related things in the movie. Its all camouflaged but we do realise if we know the BIBLE well, its really like some stories in the BIBLE. Enjoy the show and I don't mind watching again.
Holiday anyone want to go watch any movie then ajak me la. Waiting for you orh.^^ See you all soon.
Couldn't believe my idiotic friend can post this on Youtube!!! Oh my, its really humiliating... Well, I post here since its already on Youtube..... -_-""""" Anyway, this is our first practice for Teacher's Day... Oh well, very last minute planning...
Hmm.... well. too much time what to do? Don't feel like sleeping also... This is how another rap comes by...
What's my agenda,
When I forgot to look at the calendar,
I've got no time to belajar,
That's why I can't do my Sejarah.
I just don't know how some people can do it,
But I think I've only got time to eat,
Just when I am about to take the sejarah book to read,
Then the next thing I know is falling into a deep sleep.
Seeing people writting so fluently while I am just looking around blankly,
That is when I start to get cranky,
Thinking about something funny,
Laughing at myself with full of silly,
And people will think that I am crazy,
Just because of the fact that I am lazy,
Not really lazy.... Just the rhyme,
Just have no time,
You see, its rhyming again am I right,
Well my secret technique is not to hide,
As you will unlock your true potential mate. xD
Well I think I am not the only one that screwed the Sejarah paper....
Yo people!!! Hope you all watch American Idol. Its David vs David... xD LOL. Yes. David Cook vs David Archulleta. Hope David Cook win. I support you!!! GAMBATEH!!! Exams all the stressful papers finish dy!!! Woot. Next week only got EST and a few objective papers. Do shout out at my chat box if you view my blog. =)
This is the coolest stick I've ever seen!!! For full control of the camera angles, click here.
Part 1...
Part 2... enjoy.
Wanna see more? Click here.
I want to take this opportunity to thank my mom who had raised me up since I was in her womb (she gives nutrient when I was in her stomach ok?) Lol. Then now it has been 17 years. Wow. I love you mom!!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!! =) :p Exam still got time huh??? Lolz.
Here.... laugh till you drop on the floor.... xD xD xD
This is how I feel, I express it in a rap. Will be forming a band after SPM. Support me ya?^^
Why people nowadays,
Obsessed with their wicked ways,
I am annoyed and I have something to say,
So turn the mic. louder and get outta the way,
Because all of us are not in the same bay,
Stop wasting time and get straight to the point,
Rape case, murder case, whatever case you call it,
All these things are making our hearts beat,
As we live in fear and in our homes we sit,
The public enemy is those jerks,
They must really have well known for what they did,
No remorse in resulting of brutally raping and killing a kid.
Oh God I pray, help us to overcome evil,
Deliver us from the devil,
Please put remorse and humanity in each and everyone of us,
And let's not let our minds to lust,
Resist temptations to the end,
And ask people to lend a hand.
I care because I am saddened and frustrated,
With all the people here including the magistrate,
Justice, Justice, where is JUSTICE?
You want justice? Come taste my FISTS!!!
I am sick and tired of this,
But this is what I can do the least,
To wake people up to catch those beast.
What's the use of sitting at home watching the news then go cursing and swearing,
And doing nothing, but we can help in a way with at least something,
We should work with the cops as one to get justice for every case,
In case we do not help the cops, then these shall be our end days, people....
Artist: Jay Chua
Jay Copyright. Do not steal my hard work or you will regret in because I can trace you
There is still more to come. (=
Last Friday, the librarian board had a camp at some isolated place in Ulu Langat. A lot of us didn't want to go to the camp because of exams, stuffs and etc. Well, we tried debating with the teacher advisors for the past few weeks but only a few have a super solid reason as in why they cannot make it for the camp. Well, me and my friends need to go lo. When we reached there, our minds were like, "Is this the place?" OH MY GOSH!!! Is being heard in every corner. The place is so isolated and it really sucks at our first impression. Oh my, we are going to suffer.... We thought to ourselves.
And then we got down from the bus with our luggages. Then we assembled in a hall. There were 64 of us. Then we got to know the facilitators. The leader is En. Khairul. Next, we were broken into groups of 4. I was in Group 4. Then each group have to come out with a group name. A,B,C and D. Then we discussed among ourselves and then A- Adventurous, B- Bravo, C- Champion and D- Dedication. I was in group Dedication. Then we settled down to our dorm. In another large place there were 60 beds. Then we played a game of icebreaker. Not really nice so won't elaborate so much. LOL.
Ok, then we had our dinner, with full discipline. We cannot talk to each other or marks will be deducted. The leaders of each group has to play a very important role and every meal they have to be the last to take food and drinks and say "Jemputlah makan semua". Ok then we got back into the hall. The next game takes our guts to do it. Each group which consists of 16 people must stand up on the chair on the stage, facing the back and lie down. There will be people down there supporting (team mates). Luckily the "fattest guy" in the board is not in our group. LOL. Then it was around 12.00 a.m. The facees asked us to take a cloth to blindfold us as they are bringing us to the "forest". And so all of us were blindfolded and then we hold each others shoulders. The facees will lead the 4 groups to somewhere. And as we walk, the person behind us is gone. One by one we are all placed in different places by the facees. Then we sat there for one hour. The facees tried their best to scare us but we knew it was a fake. We scare them instead. Try their best to do ghost sounds. haha. Then when the blindfolds were opened, we realised that we were actually at the field that we usually assemble at.
Day 2- Tiring Day
We had to wake up at 6.30. Then we did morning exercise. Star jump dunno do how many times. Coz need to do serentak. Then had our breakfast. Then the next activity is quite fun. Its another blindfold game. With an obstacle course 8 team mates has to go in and the other 8 has to direct them. Once kena any objects, then the people outside have to go in and save them or tag them. It was kinda noisy and messy because team mates are shouting directions and you must know the correct voice. Some groups are very cruel as they tried to distract other groups by shouting different instructions. LOL. Then we played a game of making the longest line using the objects we have on our body. And every group began to take out their shoelaces, shoe, socks, specs, watch, phone and even clothes. Then when really no more items, then everyone without their shirt lie down on the floor to form the line. The floor was HARD!!! And it was really hot. We got fried like dried fish. xD
Then in the afternoon we went into the forest and learned how to survive in the jungle if we are lost. The type of plants that we can eat for survival and plants we cannot eat. Then coming down to the forest is the hard part. No matter what shoe you wear, you will eventually slip down unless you have the skill to go down. I slipped and fell a few times as this is the first I enter a forest. haha. Many ppl slipped also and got there track bottoms dirty. Then we reached a river and we cross it. The current is strong and I will never forget the super cooling and refreshing feeling on my legs. Two people lost their specs. Kesian. Hmm.... Then we reached a part where the facee leading my group asked us to try to eat a yellow kinda small plant. It looks nice though. I did not eat because I know it is a trick but some curious ppl go and try and guess what, IT IS THE BEST MINT IN THE WORLD!!! hahaha. Its the mint used in toothpastes. hahaha. I was lucky.
Then we took our bath, had tea and then it is time for Orientaring. A treasure hunting game that requires the skills of a compass. Everyone was running here and there. Then after that we had BBQ dinner where we are given the freedom to talk. The ayam bakar was AWESOME!!! I regret don't dare to eat fish because I have a phobia. I choked on fish bone when I was a small boy. So painful then since then don't dare to eat fish with bones anymore... We were given time to come out with an act. Every group did their best and all of them were so funny. I will post the videos soon.
Then when we thought we can rest, suddenly the facees tells us that we will be jungle trekking. We were like WHAT!? !@#*#%*(&*)^ SERIOUS AR??? I scared la is being heard around the air. The time then was 12.45 a.m. And this time we have to go up one by one without any torchlight, just the full moon. We said our prayers and each and everyone of us went up one by one. I was a bit scared though. haha. 1.00 a.m. in the jungle you know???? After that, we go down as a group. It was dark and slippery. Many people fell down and some slide down all the way. Thank God there were no injuries or any mishaps.
Ok, now we get to finally sleep at 2.30 a.m. Then we need to wake up at 6.30 again.
Day 3- Separate Ways
The next morning all of us were already dead. And the final activity is the best. That is WAR!!! Yes. War in the jungle. Trooper A vs Trooper B. Group A and B is Trooper A and Group C and D is Trooper B. The facees were involved in this game too. They were so skillful and so serious as if they are in a real war. We took detergent with colour, poured them into a plastic with cylindrical shape. Who kena throw at the body will "die". Ok then I was in the assault team. There were only 5 of us attacking, 5 of us spy and mostly is backup. There are two entrances to the jungle. The top is where Trooper A and B meet and fight.
I fought with all my might, hiding in each and every possible secured corner just to find a chance to backstab the enemy. All my team mates were down. And I took 3 out of 10 person down. 7 left and they don't even dare to kill me because they are afraid that I am a bait and reinforcements are behind me but actually there is only me left. haha. I fooled around with them until the whistle was heard which means the game has ended. Trooper B won because the Trooper A's commando was captured as a hostage. The commando is a faccilitator with experience.
We tied him up and he was acting tired and keep on saying that he was hungry. He tried to cut off the string with a knife but another facee helping our group saw what he was trying to do and he stopped. We let our guard down as we won the battle. Suddenly, he ran away as fast as he could. Trooper B gived chase and finally he was caught again. haha. Well, we had our lunch, had a closing ceremony with full of tears and a wonderful and meaningful song for us to remember. Kenangan Terindah by Samson. The facilitators were all in tears too. We were so close to each other. As first we came, WHAT THE CAMP IS THIS???? But now, we enjoyed and we don't want to part with one another. I will post the pictures, videos and the song later on. THIS IS INDEED a once in a lifetime experience. I will look forward to this kind of camp again. We love you, facees!!! We will miss you!!! =) =p KEM- An NAIM ROCKSSS!!!
Yo people!!! Will transfer my stuff from xanga soon... Wait ya. =)
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This is me. I'm just an ordinary 18 year old boy who is born on Christmas Eve!! xD I love to play tennis, bowling and since the weather is so friggin hot, why not go for a swim? Oh ya, I'm a Left 4 Dead fanatic too.. Wanna know me better then ajak me go yum cha.. :D Peace..
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Ipod Touch in da Pocket =)
- Have You Ever Wondered?
- I'll Leave It To GOD
- Oh Yeah!!! Holidays are here... but not quite... t...
- Narnia: Prince Caspian
- Drunken Me
- When I was "Finished" with my Sejarah paper...
- David Cook Rocks!!!
- American Idol Finals
- Coolest stick sword fighting ever!!!
- A litte something that will SHOCK you... Enjoy
- Librarians under trance + My recent obsession....
- More pictures
- Camp Pictures part 1
- When I Pour My Heart Out
- Kem An-Naim, Ulu Langat, April 18
- I have officially moved
- vacation (1)