This guy plays the violin following the DJ's beats... Check it out!^^ So pro man!!!
Hope you all enjoyed it. Peace y'all. :D
- Angelina
- Boon Tek
- Cheah
- Chei Thai
- Cherylina
- Chia Ee
- Elaine
- Eric Khong
- Eric Leong
- Foong
- Isaac
- Jacelyn (kai mui)
- Jason Yap
- Jasper
- Jen Hoe
- Joy Teen
- JunJun-Riko
- Katrina
- Kee An
- Kevin
- Lee Meng
- Leon Woon
- Linda
- Matthew Ooi
- Michelle
- My old Xanga
- Nigel
- Pui Chin
- Snowiie
- Terry
- Tristan
- Tze Quan
- Vivian
- Wei Han
- Wen Chean
- Xian Lum
- Yung Siang
- Zhi Wang
I found this video in Youtube and its really funny... Check it out.^^
Conclusion, stop racism!!!! Lol... Junbao phone... Pity his dad.
Its really history and record breaking for not having fireworks in Sunway Pyramid on 12.00 a.m....
I really don't see the merdeka spirit in Malaysians this year. Why? Ask the politicians... Whoa... Every year there are fireworks everywhere, people counting down everywhere and shouting MERDEKA everywhere.... But today.... The parade in the morning is going to be DULL... I waited one whole day for this fireworks.... So disappointing...
Nevermind that. I believe the political field now is very very chaotic... The rakyat are not very happy and they thought to themselves, so what? 51 years of Independence but we are still so chaotic internally. Reflect upon this people.... It is advisable not to go out tomorrow. You know why, no need me to tell you.
Sigh.... Good night...
There are a lot of people out there that are still unsure about whether having sex before marriage is right or wrong. I have to tell you all that it is very very WRONG.... People might say, so what? I like la. Its not whether you like it or not, its whether you will infect people with HPV, HIV or STDs or not. You think its fun? Go ahead, screw up your life. Being a candidate for the NO APOLOGIES seminar twice, one in my church and another time in my school has really nailed the word ABSTINENCE in my mind. What is abstinence?
Abstinence means you stay away or you resist somethin that you know is wrong. Many people tend to do things eventhough they know it is wrong. Why? Because they think its enjoyable but I tell you this attitude will lead you nowhere but Hell. Where is the value of marriage if everyone can sleep with more that 1 partner? Where is the sense of security. Nobody said sex is bad but it is only meant for marriage. Abortion cases are on the rise. Youngsters getting AIDS, a girl getting a child at the age of 11.
Why does all these things have to happen? If one can abstain from this, none of this would happen. But if you still think it is such an enjoyable thing or you don't give a damn about it, I'm sorry to say that you have jolly well screwed up your ambitions and other people's ambitions too. Marriage is a commitment between two people. A bonding that is NOT to be broken. There is when losing your virginity to someone that will be with you till you go 6 feet under means the most to you. It is the most satisfying and beautiful thing because both have SEXUALLY ABSTAINED from temptations and did not cheat on each other.
So, give a thought about it. Still think having sex with your partner and betting your future on ther piece of rubber is ok? Think again for you, for yourself and for your future children. I suggest if any of you are interested to join the No Apologies program, please click here.
Looking forward to independence people? I don't see any flags being hung around anywhere. Why? Ask the politicians. They know why. This guy is sick.... Can you do the beatbox like him?
Leave some comments.^^ Anyway, don't let our guard down people, eventhough its the last week for the trials exams. Strive for the best. All the best. :D Lets enjoy some fireworks at midnight. MERDEKA!!!
As we all know, Anwar Ibrahim has won the election is Permatang Pauh. Well, well, well, not many "people" are not too happy about it isn't it? Especially those who wants to FRAME him again... Come on la you noobs! Leave him alone! He won by people's choice, the state's choice, not by cheating or bribery... Stop framing him!!! What the heck did he do to deserve this? People want a change in the nation that's why they choose him.... It is so ugly to frame someone about things that they didn't do. Think for a second, if that person is you, what would you feel??? The "you" pandai pandai la... Don't be so perasan, I am not being straightforward here...
Today's paper before school ended was the Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan paper.... Answer 40 crappy common sense questions in an hour... Questions like, apakah akibat seks sebelum khawin?
Can someone be so stupid to put the answer as mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan??? Horrible, terrible and vegetable..... Super boredom... I finished the paper in 20 minutes and I wrote this: (super random) That's what's going on in my mind.... :D
I can see you, the love of my life,
Baby girl for you I will strive,
Do my best to make you satisfied,
I would do anything to hold you tight,
Never let you go, you are my only one,
Don't go away and leave me stranded alone,
I'll promise that our love will stay till the very end,
If only, if only you let me in,
Unrequited love seems to be hurtful at times,
Because it is hard to confess my feelings,
I love you, that's for sure but am I the one in your heart?
I want to know if you treat me like a good friend or a brother but can this love spark?
I will do anything if only I know what do you feel about me,
I hope when you read this, you will know what I mean,
I hope that you feel the same way too,
But love is a funny thing,
Love is patient, Love is kind, so just give it time. =)
Very random la..... Nothing to do during the 40 minutes... T_T The teacher jaga my class don't let us sleep and ya... THIS came by...
Let us do our best in our trial exams and please please pass MORAL.... LOL. Good night.
You are Joker. When people see you coming they usually scurry away like mice! You are moody and dark and extremely intense. You can be cool and calm one moment, but then wild and crazy the next! You seek revenge on those that have hurt you- and your revenge is often much worse than anything imagined. You are a feared leader, and take challenges very seriously. You will do whatever it takes- with no exception- to get what you want. You are confident and intelligent and tell the world exactly what you think- and you apologize for nothing! Lol.... I didn't know that my personality fits in.... I am not that psycho as you imagined ok? Why so serious??? Hehehehehe...... |
To all my faithful blog readers, I want you all to know that I am very thankful for the hits. I didn't expect that my personal blog would hit 1000 plus in 3 months!!! So I just want to wish you all a very BIG THANK YOU!!! :D
So keep it coming people. Please drop by some comments too. I would like to wish Lim Wen Chean and Yeow Wanyi a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Years come and go but the years makes us more mature as we go through the paces of life through the ups and downs. We should leave it to GOD as long as we do our part. All the best to everyone who is having exams everywhere.
I would like to share this Bible verse: :)
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
So keep the LOVE going people!!!The car exploded without any reason. No one started the engine, no one played with fire and it light up all of a sudden... zzzzzzzzzzzz..... here are some pics I manage to catch. Sorry for bad quality pictures.... I am only depending on a VGA camera on my phone mind u.... LOL

Ok, that's the hype for the night. Got to go to sleep and wake up fresh to conquer Add Maths tomorrow. That's all for now, have a good night. Aishiteru. :D
Yesterday was the epic battle between Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan, in case some of you missed it... Chong Wei was under extreme pressure and he did not perform well. Thanks to the crowd yelling "TAMBAH MINYAK" in Chinese.... Really annoying and distracting. Chong Wei should complain ma. -_-''''''' Well he lost. At least he got a silver medal for Malaysia la. Better than nothing. Really proud to be a Malaysian. Lol. Besides, he got RM300 000 also. Slowly enjoy the money and eat more dude. Look at Lin Dan, full of muscles. OMG.... Chong Wei like stick man.
Well, today marks the first day of the one week break. 7days = time boost to study for trials. Well, to all the people who are studying for SPM and STPM trials coming in exactly 6 and a half days, I wish you all the best and never give up. GAMBATEH!!! To that special someone, do remember that AISHITERU! Hehe. :D
That's all for now, come let's study my friends. Go! Go! Go!
Hey people. I will never give up and I will never give up. As long as it is not 19th of August yet, I can crack my brain juice for this. I just heard from my friend that her oven broke down and she have not been cooking anything, she really into cooking ya know? And the best part is that her cooking is spell it with me: D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. So, I think that the best gift for her is this oven:
If not, she will not be able to cook dishes like all these:
So, I think the best solution is to give her the oven. :D So that I can savour those yummy dishes. Its so TEMPTING!!! OMG!!! I am drooling already. xD
I am so vain. Yeah I know.
By the way, its up to Nuffnang to decide the winners. Thanks for the comments from one of the Nuffnang Gift Ideas Reviewer. Thanks for the tips of posting more.
The Nuffnang gift idea contest is soooo hot. One of the things I would like to give to my friend, Vivian is this:Yes. a cute photo album because she cherishes friendship above everything else. She said to me that she wants to keep sweet memories of her friends and family treating it like a video that has recorded her journey with them. She hopes that the good bonding between she and her friends will last forever. The photo album will be a significant gift to her as she can remember the good and bad times with her friends. :D
Yes, a 160GB i-pod. That would keep him to his beats. Imagine 160 GB!!! How many songs and videos that he can store in it??? Well I guess if he has this then it would not be so embarrasing to groove or "tum tak tum tum tak" with the music because there is a headphone with an i-pod intact. Or else people would think that, is that guy nuts or what? Its gonna be annoying right? LOL. Well, I think this is the best give for him. Surely he will have a good time with it. :D
Here is the link if you all wanna join this contest.
As you all know, yesterday was the MTV Asia awards in Genting. I did not go there of course but I watched it on MTV channel 713. LOL. So many artists from US, Korea,Taiwan, Hong Kong, all over the world la. Congrats to these winners!:
Favourite Music Artist Awards from Asia:
Favorite Artist of China: Lee Yu Chun
Favorite Artist of Hong Kong: Leo Ku
Favorite Artist of Indonesia: Yovie & Nuno
Favorite Artist of Korea: Super Junior
Favorite Artist of Malaysia: Nicholas Teo
Favorite Artist of Philippines: Chicosci
Favorite Artist of Singapore: Stefanie Sun
Favorite Artist of Taiwan: Show Lo
Favorite Artist of Thailand: TOR+ SaksitInternational Music Awards:
Favorite International Artist of Asia: Linkin Park
Best Hook-up: Timbaland feat. OneRepublic - “Apologize”
The Innovation Award: Radio Head
Breakthrough Artist: Leona Lewis
Video Star: 30 Seconds to Mars - “A Beautiful Lie”
Bring Da House Down: Muse – Muse
Asia Touredc Style Award: Panic at the Disco
Knockout Award: The Click Five
Inspiration Award: Karen Mok
One Republic you ROCK!!! Continue to rock on guys!
As for SPM trials..... One more week left. Gear up and study smart my friends. This is more important than SPM according to the teachers. Won't be updating until trials are over. Farewell and GAMBATEH!!! =) :D
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This is me. I'm just an ordinary 18 year old boy who is born on Christmas Eve!! xD I love to play tennis, bowling and since the weather is so friggin hot, why not go for a swim? Oh ya, I'm a Left 4 Dead fanatic too.. Wanna know me better then ajak me go yum cha.. :D Peace..
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Ipod Touch in da Pocket =)
- Hip Hop Violin
- Girls Are Like M&M
- Merdeka!!! Huh?? Where's the fireworks?
- Sex before Marriage Right or Wrong?
- Best Beatbox ever
- Leave The Poor Old Man Alone!!! (Anwar Ibrahim)
- Which Dark Knight Character Are You?
- BOOM!!!
- Silver for Malaysia
- Nuffnang Gift Ideas Contest
- Nuffnang Gift Idea Contest
- MTV ASIA Awards 2008 and trials.............
- vacation (1)