When there is good, there is evil. When there is King of Dang, why not have a King of Nang? Nanging people's post is my game . I just need a little support from all of you. Why not have a King of Nang? Please, share your views in this. :D
- Angelina
- Boon Tek
- Cheah
- Chei Thai
- Cherylina
- Chia Ee
- Elaine
- Eric Khong
- Eric Leong
- Foong
- Isaac
- Jacelyn (kai mui)
- Jason Yap
- Jasper
- Jen Hoe
- Joy Teen
- JunJun-Riko
- Katrina
- Kee An
- Kevin
- Lee Meng
- Leon Woon
- Linda
- Matthew Ooi
- Michelle
- My old Xanga
- Nigel
- Pui Chin
- Snowiie
- Terry
- Tristan
- Tze Quan
- Vivian
- Wei Han
- Wen Chean
- Xian Lum
- Yung Siang
- Zhi Wang
Watch F1 yesterday. The race was intense and the track was difficult. There were a number of bloopers also that caused F. Massa from first became last. Guess what? He gave one of his mechanics a free sommersault when he speed of with the fuel pump!!! OMG.... What an embarrassment... there were a number of crashes too... Kimi crashed... ZZZ... But overall the race was intense and FUN!!! The fuel pump thing did not only happened to F. Massa but to some other drivers. Alonso was first.... Any opinions on this bloopers? xD


Then after that go watch Painted Skin lo... The story is about a general, rescued a beautiful girl which is a demon. Brought her back and she became his godsister. The general had a wife and she suspects that the girl he brought back is a demon. The demon's goal is to be a concubine to the general but she needs to do it fast as she can only retain her human form by eating human hearts. That's why she had a hilarious helper to help her get it. She yearns for true love but she can only understand what love is in the end, not experienced it but see what true love is. I rate this show 7.5 out of 10. There were way too many silent moments in the movie and the cencorship board had done a "good" job cutting so many parts. Why rate the movie U then? Rate it 18+ la.... Sometimes, I don't understand Malaysians.....

Next stop, Eagle Eye. Anyone interested? Just gimme a holla. =)
This madness of the school giving us the government papers and SBP papers are driving me nuts!!! How am I suppose to do self study??? The worksheets don't cover every topic ok???? Sigh... Need to do it anyway, I will just treat it as revision... Take a look at the work load.... 45 more days and counting.... All work but no play makes Jason a dull boy...
Oh yeah, you don't wanna piss me off...
Anyway, I hope I can watch this movie to release stress.... Freaking awesome movie!!! I am sure some of you are hoping to see this movie too. ^^
Eagle Eye. Obey, or you will die.
Took him 2 years though... Its never too early or never too late to start. :D
Our time is running out dudes.... 49 more days to SPM and counting... So, manage our time wisely and don't stress ourselves too much. All the best to all of us. Don't take trial exam results as a forecast results for your SPM because the standard is really high... SpM is waaaaaaay easier. Trust me. Well um this is a little something I wrote out of boredom... Impromptu poem... :D
I saw you today and you SMILED,
Yes, I admit its been awhile,
Chasing our studies and be away from miles,
Forgetting all the good times we had together,
Let bygones be bygones and move on to be better,
As our lives change and get on the double,
Yes, its the SMILE that had cheered me up,
And had given me the motivation I need,
Its the courage that you give me,
The confidence in your face that I admire,
You never seem to fear and you always strive for the best,
You tend to leave out all the rest,
Including being intimate with your friends,
But I hope when the battle had end, you will get back to your usual self,
The one that I can talk to easily, tease easily and laugh out loud,
Because the joy of having you as a friend is like nothing else in the world,
I do feel proud to an extend when you SMILE,
Because I know that SMILE had made my day,
I think this is all I have to say,
All the best to you and SMILE always. =) :D
This commercial shows us the BEST way to advertise our products. xD Enjoy and Laugh Out Loud.
This game is something that all of you die hard Star Wars fans don't want to miss. This story takes place after Star Wars episode III: Revenge Of The Sith. Its like episode 3.5. This story is the untold story of Darth Vader's apprentice. I am not going to spoil the fun for you.... I will only tell you a little here and a little there. LOL. You play as the apprentice and help Vader wipe the remaining Jedi. Harness your dark side as you can zap people with LIGHTNING and yeah, I mean serious owning if you get used to the controls. In the end, you will be shown a scene of how the Rebel Alliance is formed after the apprentice's death.
The next episode, A New Hope had it significance in this game. I rate this game 9 out of 10. The camera angles could be improved. =) It is available for the PS3, PS2, PSP and XBOX 360. Oh ya, there are a lot of bonuses like duels, unlockable characters like the Sith Emperor and pre-historic missions. Relive the battle between Luke and Vader, Anakin and Count Dooku and Luke against Jabba Hut. Below are some awesome screenshots. Zap all of you!!!
Prehistoric mission
So folks, sit down and enjoy the game. =)
This is a question asked by a lot of people. Do ghosts exist? Do demons exists? I would like to share on this topic because the pastor in my church talked about these yesterday. The movies that all of you watch, they are waaaaaaaaay extreme and ghosts are not like that. Well to be honest, there is no such thing as a person die already but they have vengeance so they come back and bla bla bla. All of these that you all refer as "ghost" are fallen angels. They defied GOD's commands and GOD sent them down to earth. 1/3 of them are sent down. These fallen angels are more commonly known as demons.
They take form in the person you know. That is why, we often hear people say they actually saw a spirit or a dead person's spirit. Well um, this topic is really wide and trust me, you don't want to know more. Just call upon the name of JESUS and these thing will fly. REALLY. =) No need to be afraid of them.
(PS: They will not appear in front of you and ROAR!!!)
Well, school went on quite well today because I had got back some marks, not really satisfied though but believe it or not, I PASSED MY MORAL paper!!! For the first time under the same strict teacher for two years.... xD And I scored quite high for my BM karangan which was over 100.
I got 63, low for your perception but tell you what. My school standard, 72 is the maximum marks that the BM teachers can give. Seriously no joke. So for my school, 72=100 marks. Get it? No? Well, that's how my school standard goes.
Well, I felt today is a kena "ZAT" in cantonese or a ridiculed day because of the moral teacher... LOL. First, she praised the students who did well. Then she move on to the potential ones. And lastly... Ahem, those who fail. She fire those who failed in a sarcastic manner. There is a friend of my, never passed his moral before, got ridiculed when she said "Bagus! Anda Berani untuk gagal!"
Next, she moved on to another friend who is absent to school most of the time but he scored quite well in his paper. Then she say "Ah, ini pun bagus! Tak datang sekolah pun boleh skor! Konklusinya, jangan datang sekolah, belajar sendiri" xD Then she moved on to another friend sitting right in front but he failed. She said "Ah, ini fail ah, semua duduk depan markah bagus. Kenapa kamu fail? Kamu dengar depan semua keluar belakang?" The whole class laughed like crap. Then finally, she moved on to a friend sitting right behind and he always doses off in class. She said to him "Sebenarnya, kamu ada otak, tapi selalu tidur, macam mana nak guna otak?"
Walau wei... The best part is, it did not end there. Went to add maths tuition, then the teacher ridiculed every school there including mind. Group by group he ridiculed... LOL... Won't tell u what he said, ask me personally....
That's all for now. Kena "ZAT" giler giler.... hahaha.... 2 more months to SPM or should I say 61 more days......
I found this music thingy and its kinda funny....LOL....
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
1. If someone says,"Is this okay?"
It's Not Over- Chris Daughtry
(LOL...I hold grudges???)
2. How would you describe yourself?
Beautiful Girl- Sean Kington
(......zadao... I won't suicide over girls la....)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Generation- Simple Plan
(Yeah! We are in the same generation! Rock On!!!)
4. How do you feel today?
Empty Apartment- Yellowcard
(Yeah... Fell kinda sad because cannot confess feelings to loved one...)
5. What is your life's purpose?
Apologize- One Republic
(.........Does that mean I apologize a lot in my life???)
6. What is your motto?
I think that she knows (Lovestoned) - Justin Timberlake
(Ohhh..... Seriously I think that "she" knows...=)
7. What do your friends think of you?
No More Sorrow- Linkin Park
(Ooi!!! You all want me to die? Zadao....-_-""""")
8. What do you think of your parents?
Hot Stuff- Craig David
(No comment..... xD)
9. What do you think about very often?
Crush- David Archuleta
(Wow.... Seriously I have a crush. =)
10. What is 2+2?
After Dark- Asian Kungfu Generation
(Huh???? Nevermind)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Time Of My Life- David Cook
(Yeah man.... The time of our lives when we score straight As for SPM!)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Forever- Chris Brown
(Yes, hope that we can be Forever... :D)
13. What is your life?
Elliot Yamin- Wait For You
(Yeah baby I will wait for you.)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
With You- Chris Brown
(I want to be with "you")
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
HeroHeroine- Boys Like Girls
(Yeah baby... I am your Hero and you are my Heroine :D)
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arm's Race- Fall Out Boy
(Yeah!!! We can party all night! LOL)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Stop & Stare- One Republic
(Kinda true... Everyone will Stop& Stare at the coffin...xD)
18. What is your hobby/interest?
It Ends Tonight- All American Rejects
(.....Dunno what to say about this)
19. What is your biggest fear?
Cai Hong- Jay Chou
(I am not afraid of Rainbows!!! T_T)
20. What is your biggest secret?
Leave Out All The Rest- Linkin Park
(Truly, only 1 secret and leave out all the rest....)
21. What do you think of your friends?
Sexy Back- Justin Timberlake
(WTH....I am not gay ok? Zadao...)
22. What will you post this as?
Rising Sun- DBSK/TVXQ
23. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
Samsons- Kenangan Terindah
(LOL.... Truly kenangan TERINDAH sekali....xD =) :D)
Try it yourself too!!!^^
It's easy to confuse love and infatuation. Infatuation may seem like love, and it is often intense, but there are several important differences. Understanding the differences between love, lust and infatuation can save you a lot of pain in relationships and help you to know when it really is love.
Unconditional Love is a devotion based on commitment and unselfish concern for one another. It freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his or her good. Love is patient.
Lust is an intense sexual desire or appetite, an overwhelming desire, as in lust for power. A sexual urge or physical impulse.
Infatuation is an unrealistic or extravagant love or admiration appealing to the senses and impulses, sometimes called lust. Infatuation may be the initial attraction that will, with the time and commitment, grow into a mature and unconditional love.
"Love waits. Lust wants. Love cannot wait to give what is true and honorable. Lust can't wait to take. Love mends. Lust hurts. Love is secure. Lust is selfish. Lust ends. Love lasts."
I hope you all will find this helpful.^^
This is the season of despair for Malaysia’s once proud Barisan Nasional — of uncertainty, indecision, broken promises and a credibility deficit.
Just listen to the once strong and commanding voices of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik. They now have the timbre of beaten men; of politicians who despite their rich experience are at a loss to point the way forward for their supporters and countrymen.
Just listen to Cabinet ministers and senior politicians in their private moments. They are in unfamiliar territory; not knowing how to regain the trust of their constituents; wondering why their announcements are greeted with cynicism; troubled that the arch enemy Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is Mr Teflon — nothing sticks on him.
Dr Mahathir, Dr Lim, the ministers and politicians know that if the mood of despair does not lift, this could be the last time the BN governs Malaysia, the end of one of the world’s longest ruling regimes.
This is what the former prime minister said on his blog yesterday: “The BN is in a sorry state… I hate to say it but the Permatang Pauh victory by PKR probably sounded the death knell of all the BN parties and the BN.”
To be sure, the despair began long before the night of March 8 when news filtered through that the alliance of DAP-PKR-Pas had not only denied the BN its two-thirds majority in Parliament but also surrendered control of Kedah, Penang, Selangor and Perak.
For non-Malays, it started in 2005, when it became clear that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was reneging on his promise of being the leader of all Malaysians. He stood and watched as his party members flaunted their political muscle and questioned the status of Chinese and Indians. He was a bystander as Hindus and Christians faced challenges in practising their religions. He tolerated the unlawful behaviour of Umno warlords like the late Zakaria Deros in the name of political expediency.
All these omissions and actions only deepened the sense of despair about the country among Chinese and Indians, and hammered home the message that the interests of minorities will not be protected under the Umno-led BN.
For many Malays, the umbilical cord with Umno and the BN was cut 10 years ago, when Dr Mahathir dumped Anwar unceremoniously from government and when for the first time, many in the community wondered whether the New Economic Policy really benefited them. Along the way, they reached the conclusion that the politicians entrusted to look after their interest have grown fat and rich on government largesse. In the back of beyond, Umno is still strong. But in urban centres, many Malays no longer call Umno their party of choice.
Can Umno stop the rot? Can Umno galvanise a listless BN? Can Umno reconnect with the ground? Gerakan’s Dr Lim, a politician who has worked with the likes of Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Dr Ismail, Tun Hussein Onn, Dr Mahathir, did not think so.
He did not believe that any current or future Umno leader has the vision or the will to shake the ruling party out of its stupor and make the necessary reforms which Malaysians want done. In an interview with Off the Edge, he sounded defeated, fed-up with the arrogance and money culture in Umno.
Not once did he blame Abdullah directly but reading in between the lines, it is clear that he assigns much of the BN’s problems to the weak leadership of Umno. Does he have a silver bullet for the BN? Dr Lim offers a fountain of rhetoric but little else.
It seems even the man with all the answers is giving up. Dr Mahathir noted that some readers on his blog had asked him to do something about the country.
His response was short: he had done everything. He had openly criticised Abdullah; asked him to step down as prime minister and Umno president; accused him of corruption; resigned from Umno; spoken about corruption and the fate awaiting Malays and started a blog.
“Privately many said they support me and they want Abdullah to step down. But they are not prepared to say it openly. That was why I started my blog. About six million had visited my blog site and tens of thousands have commented and supported me.
“But most appear to be worried and would not give their names. They are usually anonymous. So the support is not effective.
“I cannot do everything all by myself. I need support. I cannot just go to Dato Seri Abdullah, catch him by the scruff of his neck and throw him out,”' he said.
Getting rid of Abdullah may not be enough to lift the cloud of despair hanging over the BN and Malaysia. A recent survey commissioned by a government agency showed that many Malaysians seemed dissatisfied in the manner the BN operates.
More than 60 per cent of Chinese and Indians polled wanted the BN to become one single multiracial political party. Surprisingly, 71 per cent of Malays, Indians and Chinese polled said that BN race-based affirmative action policy is obsolete and must be replaced with a merit-based system.
Taken individually, 63 per cent of Malays support this change in policy, 83 per cent Chinese and 85 per cent Indians and 63 per cent non-Muslim Bumiputeras.
These findings make nonsense of some of the assumptions Umno politicians have relied on even after Election 2008.
Courtesy of the Malaysian Insider

I don't know why so many of you jump for joy today even though it is the last day of trials.... I know its been many sleepless nights because of it but why run away from the fact that more sleepless nights are coming our way??? Only 2 more months to our last battle dudes. Better make it or we will regret it later. Just sacrifice these 2 months and we can play and enjoy all we want after SPM agree? So..... All the best to everyone who is taking SPM this year. Let's give the FINAL PUSH ya?^^
This evening when I was on my way back from tuition as usual, around 5, I waited for the LRT around 5.00 p.m. I know its Puasa Month la.... That's why so many people, that's what I thought. I didn't care at first but when the train comes, that is when I get pissed off.... One fella just pushed me damn hard from behind until I nearly fell... Idiotic. Cannot wait ar? I was waiting for the people from the train to come out first ma.... Lame guy.... I know you are hungry and rushing home la but no need push ok? I told him off and he stared at me blankly and didn't even say sorry.... I rammed into a few people.... So embarassing... Damn it... T_T
This is really Malaysian culture. Oh, what a "good" example to outside people. A white man in the train shook his head when he saw me getting pushed by a man 2 times my size. If I was to fall down, I will make sure he will get a lesson of his life. I'm going to push him out of the train and let him starve...
Dear Malaysians, no matter how hungry you are, please hold on and don't push people as if its really fun or just to show off that you are really hungry and starving... Everyone has to wait. So why the rush? You're gonna get stuck in a traffic jam anyway. Be courteous, I am really freaking pissed off when he even dare to stare at me when I told him off why he pushed me... Really really typical typical MALAYSIANS... This is our culture, agree?
So people, next time be careful of your surroundings because it might not be in a situation that you are gonna get pushed into a train, you might get pushed to a road full of traffic next time!!!
Lol... A funny video of kevjumba attempting to drive a manual car... watch below... really funny xD
Will I end up like that learning to drive a car? hahaha...
Have you all read the news? Bangkok a state of emergency because the people there do not like their Prime Minister and wants to topple the government down. There is riot and massacre going on because the military refuse to lend a hand to disperse the riots going on... One reported dead and many others severely injured... People holding parang and chopping down people everywhere... Scary man... Let's hope this will end soon. Let us pray for their country. Lousy military don't want to lend a hand. -_-'''''
Please leave some comments on this.
I received a message from my friend:
Try to solve this:
Can you find the answer? I already found it. :D
I found out that a lot of people (especially males) don't dare to tackle girls older than them... When I ask why, they will go and say "Aiya, no chance one la." They say this because they think age is a factor for love but actually it is not. Love is worth the wait right people? I tell you all the truth in my school.... People tend to fall in love with girls older than them (Ahem....Especially prefects) Lol. Why? They have courage, not desperate... Why go and label them desperate??? Wrong, very wrong... Well, I am not gonna mention any names but I think it is ok to be together with a girl older than you as long as you can provide her with that sense of security... If you know what I mean...
So.... why do people keep denying the fact? Come on la.... There is no harm. Go ahead and spread the love... Share with me your opinions on this topic please... Girls won't avoid you all la.... Why so scared??? Don't hold back or you will regret some day... Mark my words... But of course you must get to know the girl you like first la... Don't play one sided love weh... Very dangerous and people's perception of you will change.... Keep the love going people!!! ^^
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
(PS: I am in love with a girl 2 years older too...^^Shhhhhh....)
Good morning people! This video I found is really cool. Check it out.^^
More to come!!! Enjoy. Argh.... Going back to school tomorrow.... Sigh.
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This is me. I'm just an ordinary 18 year old boy who is born on Christmas Eve!! xD I love to play tennis, bowling and since the weather is so friggin hot, why not go for a swim? Oh ya, I'm a Left 4 Dead fanatic too.. Wanna know me better then ajak me go yum cha.. :D Peace..
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Ipod Touch in da Pocket =)
- King Of Nang
- F1 Night Race Bloopers
- Painted Skin and Shopping
- Torment At Its Peak.....
- OMG!!! 6 years old boy Breakdancing.... Cool Stuff
- Time Is Running Out
- Mad TV Popcorn Popper
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PSP)
- Do You Believe In Ghosts?
- Today Is Kena "ZAT" Day (Ridiculed)
- China Earthquake Miraculous Stories Turned Into Ma...
- Rising Sun- DBSK/TVXQ
- Distinguishing Between Love, Lust Or Infatuation
- Cloud of despair over BN and Malaysia (Check Out T...
- A Sigh of Relieve? No Way....
- Hungry People = Angry People
- Put It In Purse!!!
- Bangkok, Thailand A State Of Emergency
- Come And Test Your Math Skills
- Is It Ok To Fall In Love With Someone Older Than You?
- Cool animation
- vacation (1)