My bro and I took this quiz until question 109/120....We got ticked off. But this quiz is really fun. Dare to take it? Click here.
- Angelina
- Boon Tek
- Cheah
- Chei Thai
- Cherylina
- Chia Ee
- Elaine
- Eric Khong
- Eric Leong
- Foong
- Isaac
- Jacelyn (kai mui)
- Jason Yap
- Jasper
- Jen Hoe
- Joy Teen
- JunJun-Riko
- Katrina
- Kee An
- Kevin
- Lee Meng
- Leon Woon
- Linda
- Matthew Ooi
- Michelle
- My old Xanga
- Nigel
- Pui Chin
- Snowiie
- Terry
- Tristan
- Tze Quan
- Vivian
- Wei Han
- Wen Chean
- Xian Lum
- Yung Siang
- Zhi Wang


And now, the videos!!!
Toast 1
Toast 2
Listen closely...But don't spread the word. Laugh to yourself only. Not my classmate.
In conclusion, we had a helluva party and really emotional for all of us. Second last day in this school and Graduation day will be next Thursday...Mixed feelings....Time flies when you are having fun...So, all the best to all my Form 5 friends! SPM coming...17 more days...All the best again. :D
This is Jason, signing out.

And I took a personality test. Its quite accurate. Lol. Here.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.Who is your true self:
Wanna take a quiz? Click here.
25 more days to SPM people..... Better get prepared...What am I doing blogging here??? Argh! Ciaoz people.
Gonna take a break from the blogosphere.
This is my second attempt. Still a noob. ^^ The lyrics below.
What do you do when you are feeling down,
All you can do is sigh around with a frown,
And hoping that someone could come and comfort you and turn the frown upside down,
Listening to all the emo songs,
And hope that bygones be gone,
Don't give up because you are not alone,
Just hang in there,
Pretending that nothing ever happened,
But deep down inside your hearts if filled with holes,
The truth really hurts at time but it do fill the gaps,
Gaps that are missing in our lives,
It is almost like putting your hands into a bee hive,
Or hearing hurtful words that come like a knife,
Conflicts do happen in our lives but if we are not strong to face it,
We will be torn,
Just hang in there before the rise of a new dawn,
And just be happy that you are borned.
(Chorus) x2
End, fade.
End of School Life for Form 5 is very very near and SPM is looming even nearer....
Well, if I am not mistaken, I only have 7 more schooling days... Minus weekends and holidays... Really couldn't imagine how time can fly so fast... When I first entered MBS when I was in Form 1, then Form 2 then now, Form 5!!! Wow... I really had learned many many things. I will list them down below. Only4 more Pendidikan Jasmani periods only... Graduation is on the 31st of October.* Sob Sob* =( Gonna miss my friends, the teachers, the food, Ugh! the food... Jelak already la. Lol. Well, I am going to MISS ALL OF THESE!!! Hopefully can keep in touch ya? Good friends of mine. Let's make this 1 month count. Its now or never. Tell to ourselves,
Oh yeah, lets be motivated by that shall we? Well, what I have learned this few years. I was a very timid and introvert person when I was small you know? I am completely changed now. Here:
- I have learned to be more confident, more courageous.
- I have learned that not everyone can be trusted as there are many BACK STABBERS out there.
- I have learned that arrogance is my biggest downfall.
- I have learned to be a more responsible person.
- I have learned that prefects are the most desperate kinds in the whole school. *Sorry guys*
- I have learned that many teachers don't look as they do a few years back. Lol.
- I have learned that Mrs. Ramani is aging but she still keeps the fire going on.
- I have learned to be a better man this pass few years.
- I have learned that age is not a factor for love.
- Lastly, I have learned that the computer fees that they charge each student, RM80 but we seldom go to the computer lab. Even if we go, the internet will be very slow and there are many restrictions. Just wondering, where the money go. 7 Forms = RM98000 xD
- Form 1 and 2, Junior Librarian and Christian Fellowship member.
- Form 3, became a Light Blue = Librarian as a normal member. Joined tennis club
- Form 4, became the first double committee leader in the librarian board holding Computer Cataloging and Compulsory Return Committee(CCC) and New Intake Committee(NIC) in charge of the intake of probates. Became the Treasurer of the Christian Fellowship and the Vice President of the Tennis Club.
- End of Form 4, supposedly become one of the Executive Committee of the Librarian Board but backstabbed by fellow librarians. I know who all of you are but nevermind, I forgive you all. Then I became a Duty Leader.
- Form 5, as of now, retired from all the posts and leaved an impact. I will never forget the memories that I gathered through these years in this school.
To everyone who is taking SPM and STPM on the 11 of November 2008, I wish you all all the best and give your best shot and no regrets! ^^
This is Jason, signing out. :D
Firstly, I would like to thank GOD for giving me another PSP. Lol. And thank you Maybank! ^^ I received this email which I thought was a hoax actually but when I read on, it was real!!!
Hi Jason Chua Ken Soon,
Congratulations! You are one of the ' Contest' winners. You have won a Sony Playstation Portable.
I have called you at 017-XXXXXXX but there is no answer. Please call me at 03-XXXXXXXX extn. XXXX or ???? extn. XXXX
to confirm the date and time to collect your prize. Do not hesitate to call me or XXXX if you have questions.
Thank you.
Sorry readers but I have to hide the identities of the sender and their numbers. Its privacy of Maybank. Well, when I get it, I will take a picture and post it side by side with a current one. Hooray! Can pawn my bro in 2 player games. Hehehe. Thank you sooooo much Maybank!
I found a really cool software called musicshake. Its a software that enables you to make songs the easy way, provided you have a good microphone. Mine sucks.... Here, my first song entitled The Hole In My Heart.... First time doing this though. Forgive me....
Today, I went to Sunway Pyramid again to watch Eagle Eye. It was AWESOME!!! I tell you it is a must to watch in the cinemas. Well, the story is about a computer program named Aria or Eagle Eye, went mad and wants to eliminate the president and the cabinets. Its up to Jerry Shaw to stop it. I rate this show 9 out of 10. Shia is HOT!!! LOL xD
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This is me. I'm just an ordinary 18 year old boy who is born on Christmas Eve!! xD I love to play tennis, bowling and since the weather is so friggin hot, why not go for a swim? Oh ya, I'm a Left 4 Dead fanatic too.. Wanna know me better then ajak me go yum cha.. :D Peace..
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