What would you do if every time you fell in love with someone you had to say good-bye?
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What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
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What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness?
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What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt?
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What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else and you could never have them?
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Some people live and some people die.
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But I want to tell you I love you and you are a true friend...
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That I will always be here for you when and if you need me...
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If I died tomorrow, you would be in my heart forever.
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Would I be in yours? If you care about the person who sent this to you then you will send it back.
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Please send this to all your friends...
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You might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next year, and don't want to talk at all the year after that.
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So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life.
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I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you.
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Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you.
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Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will.
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Remember, everyone needs a friend, someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all, just remember this e-mail and take comfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and always will.
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- Angelina
- Boon Tek
- Cheah
- Chei Thai
- Cherylina
- Chia Ee
- Elaine
- Eric Khong
- Eric Leong
- Foong
- Isaac
- Jacelyn (kai mui)
- Jason Yap
- Jasper
- Jen Hoe
- Joy Teen
- JunJun-Riko
- Katrina
- Kee An
- Kevin
- Lee Meng
- Leon Woon
- Linda
- Matthew Ooi
- Michelle
- My old Xanga
- Nigel
- Pui Chin
- Snowiie
- Terry
- Tristan
- Tze Quan
- Vivian
- Wei Han
- Wen Chean
- Xian Lum
- Yung Siang
- Zhi Wang
Me: Chee Fong, do you know about the Batman actor kena charged to court ar?
CF: Huh? I dunno la, really ar?
Me: Ya la. Maybe he is too into the show la.
CF: Yeah. Maybe he thought his mother was JOKER and then when he said something to her then she said "Why So Serious?" And he whacked her up.
(Group laughs hysterically) xD *Good one Chee Fong*
As for the last day of duty, I had mixed feelings... Feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I am retiring from the post soon and sad because I was not ready to let go yet.... So sad. But anyway, we turned the library upside-down and we really had a lot of fun. :D Let's take a look at some photos.
Take Two Group Photo 1
Looking and pointing at what?
Anyway, these will be sweet memories in my heart. Will never forget the mark that I left in this board. Retire doesn't mean seperate so do keep in touch ya? ^^ All the best to everyone in everything and thanks to the people that really help me in times of trouble and despair. Really appreciate it. As we go on, we remember all the times we, get together, as our lives change, come whatever, we will still be friends forever. :D

They are only small Myanmar kids you know?Look at the JOY in them, so touching
An adult band from Myanmar
All together. So united. A taste of worshipping in Heaven with all sorts of people =)
As for The Dark Knight, I watched it just now. It was really superb you know? Too bad Heath Ledger is already dead. Who will be the next successor? Johnny Depp? Lol.
Here are some of the famous quotes in the movie:
"Wanna Know how I get these scars?"- Joker
"Why so serious?" -Joker
"Let's put a smile to that face"- Joker
"This place deserves a better class of criminal"-Joker
"You and I can do this forever"-Joker
"I know what I have to become to stop a man like him"- Batman
"Fair is when you put it in luck"- Two Face
"Heads you live, Tails you die"- Two Face
Its a reccomended MUST watch. The suspense really kills you.... =)
That's all for now. Tata.

LOS ANGELES, July 12 — It's difficult to separate the movie from its mystique.
Even under ordinary circumstances, "The Dark Knight" would have been one of the most hotly awaited movies of the summer blockbuster season. The loss of Heath Ledger to an accidental prescription-drug overdose in January has amplified the buzz around the film — and his crazed performance as the Joker — to extraordinary levels.
Nothing could possibly satisfy that kind of expectation. "The Dark Knight" comes pretty close.
Christopher Nolan's film is indeed an epic that will leave you staggering from the theatre, stunned by its scope and complexity.
It's also, thankfully, a vast improvement over his self-serious origin story, 2005's "Batman Begins."
As director and co-writer with his brother Jonathan (David S. Goyer shares a story credit), Nolan has found a way to mix in some fun with his philosophising. Ambitious, explosive set pieces share screen time with meaty debates about good vs evil and the nature of — and need for — a hero.
Batman (Christian Bale) has been that guy. Now, he's not so sure he should be anymore. He's protected Gotham fiercely (and with some fierce toys), but the new district attorney, Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), seems to be putting a dent in organised crime with help from Lt Gordon (Gary Oldman). Perhaps Batman should return to his "normal" life as billionaire Bruce Wayne and leave the clean-up work to the professionals. Maybe he can even rekindle his romance with old flame Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal, taking over more than capably for Katie Holmes, although she doesn't get much to do, either).
And so "The Dark Knight" presents an existential crisis — what comic-book hero doesn't suffer these? — but does so in a totally different way from its predecessor. Whereas "Batman Begins" felt too solemn and introspective, this instalment might actually be too fast. Like the Caped Crusader himself, speeding through the streets of Gotham City on his tricked-out Bat-Pod motorcycle, Nolan moves breathlessly from one scene to the next.
Trouble is, he's got such great vision and is so adept at creating a compelling mood, it makes you wish he'd held some moments for a beat or two longer, just to savour them — and to let us do the same. A couple of scenes in Bruce's stark, crisply lit Bat-bunker come to mind, as does Batman's nighttime flight over a glittering Hong Kong. (Wally Pfister, a longtime Nolan collaborator who also shot "Batman Begins" and "Memento," returns as cinematographer. Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard once again teamed up to compose the huge, sweeping score.)
Nolan was wise enough, however, to give Ledger plenty of room to shine — albeit in the actor's indelibly perverse, twisted way. There's nothing cartoony about his Joker. Ledger wrested the role from previous performers Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson and reinvented it completely.
Yes, he's funny, wringing laughs from both clever one-liners and maniacally grand schemes. He can be playful, finding unexpected avenues into the character: "You complete me," he purrs to Batman, mockingly borrowing Tom Cruise's classic line from "Jerry Maguire" and dashing all possibilities for the Caped One's imminent retirement.
But because there's no logic behind his mayhem, he's also truly terrifying. The terror he inflicts on Gotham is meticulously planned (the opening bank heist, shot with IMAX cameras, is a marvel of timing) and yet his sole inspiration is to create chaos, then watch the city squirm and burn.
That his attacks grow larger each time, regardless of the collateral damage, makes him so genuinely disturbing. Ledger seems to have understood that, and brings an appropriate — and riveting — unpredictability to the role. It's also a neat touch that his makeup, which looked like a slapdash effort from the start, steadily deteriorates, streaking, cracking and peeling away as the film progresses; it's an outward manifestation of his psychological spiral.
Back to Batman, though — because theoretically, it is his movie, right?
Bale seems more assured than ever, now that he has more facets of Batman/Bruce's personality to reveal than he did in the last film. He's consistently proven he's capable of going to dark, scary places for his characters (see: "American Psycho," "Rescue Dawn") and this is no exception.
Also returning are Michael Caine as Bruce's butler Alfred, and Morgan Freeman as gadget guru Lucius Fox. Both veterans help anchor the movie with a wisdom and calmness that's crucial when everything (and everyone) is in a state of turmoil. As for Oldman, he disappears into the role of Lt Gordon and makes it look so effortless, he makes you forget he's acting.
Eckhart, the snarky star of "Thank You for Smoking," may seem an unusual choice to play a law-and-order kind of guy. Here, he's subtle enough to keep us guessing until nearly the end as to where his morals and allegiances truly lie (though eventually he will become the villainous Two-Face, as we know).
But the key showdown, of course, is between Batman and the Joker. Theirs is a relationship that's strangely symbiotic — you could even call it co-dependent. Or as the Joker puts it, "You and I could do this forever."
Courtesy of the Malaysian Insider. =)
Sorry for the SUPER LATE update.... Because I have to limit my computer usage and there are a lot of tasks that I have to attend to. Well, let's skip the boring part and lets take a look at some pictures. Last Saturday, there were many many stalls. One of the best is the fried lobak. Its awesome!!! My class sold herbal eggs which make a good sale too but 5Clancy's "balls". Yeah, many sorts of balls and sausages beat us by ten times in profit..... Walau wei... That's insane. Besides, U6K topped all the classes profits because they made games like, Battlefield, What The Fish and Whack 'Em Balls... LOL

Alright. I think that's all. Wanted to watch Hancock after this event but when my friends and I reached Time Square, so many people there!!! First time we saw so many people in Time Square. Even holidays also not so crowded. So we decided to go home after that.
I've browse through YOUTUBE and I found this video. Freaking awesome!!! ACDC (Adam Chu Dance Crew). You guys just ROCK!!! Really did a good job smoking Miley and Mandy. LOL. xD
You guys ROCK!!!
This week, many funny things happen and I have most of it captured. =) I have a new broadband provider... hehe... U won't believe the speed that I upload the pictures below:

During the holidays, I finished a beautiful RPG prequel to one of the world's famous games, that is Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. Superb graphics and gameplay. Here, sneak pics of the ending scene:

What a sad ending.... Lol. Watching Hancock after Family Day tomorrow. Who wants to go just ring me up yo. Got to go. Tata. God bless. =)
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This is me. I'm just an ordinary 18 year old boy who is born on Christmas Eve!! xD I love to play tennis, bowling and since the weather is so friggin hot, why not go for a swim? Oh ya, I'm a Left 4 Dead fanatic too.. Wanna know me better then ajak me go yum cha.. :D Peace..
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