They are only small Myanmar kids you know?Look at the JOY in them, so touching
An adult band from Myanmar
All together. So united. A taste of worshipping in Heaven with all sorts of people =)
As for The Dark Knight, I watched it just now. It was really superb you know? Too bad Heath Ledger is already dead. Who will be the next successor? Johnny Depp? Lol.
Here are some of the famous quotes in the movie:
"Wanna Know how I get these scars?"- Joker
"Why so serious?" -Joker
"Let's put a smile to that face"- Joker
"This place deserves a better class of criminal"-Joker
"You and I can do this forever"-Joker
"I know what I have to become to stop a man like him"- Batman
"Fair is when you put it in luck"- Two Face
"Heads you live, Tails you die"- Two Face
Its a reccomended MUST watch. The suspense really kills you.... =)
That's all for now. Tata.